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East Dunbartonshire Asset Map

The East Dunbartonshire Asset Map is an interactive map with information about resources, organisations, places โ€“ all coming under the heading of โ€˜community assetsโ€™ โ€“ which the people of East Dunbartonshire can use to support their health and wellbeing, both physical and mental.

You can search the community assets on the map by typing keywords into the search bar; or you can filter the assets on the map by category, by area, or by who would use it. If you prefer, you can just scroll around and explore what is available in your local community.

You can use the ‘Submit an Asset’ form to tell us about community assets that do not currently appear on the map – however please read the FAQs first.

This website is a redevelopment of the original East Dunbartonshire Asset Map website, developed by IRISS and East Dunbartonshire Council in 2011 – 2012. You can find out more about that project on the IRISS Website.

If you are having trouble using or have any questions regarding the East Dunbartonshire Asset Map, please contact us on We would also be happy to provide assets in other formats.